HIFU - High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

HIFU is a non-surgical face treatment that uses High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It is an advanced cosmetic technology, which can significantly tighten and lift the several areas of the face, reduce the signs of ageing and improve the tone of the skin in a single session.
The technology is unique in its ability to treat the dermis and the SMAS layer, which is deeper than all other non-invasive facial treatments. SMAS is the same layer, which is tightening during conventional facelift surgery. Unlike surgery, HIFU does not require time off work.
As we grow older collagen proteins begin to lose their integrity, which is what causes things like frown lines, crow’s feet and a drooping neck. Tightening the SMAS layer and replenishing collagen will tighten and tone the skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
HIFU stands for ‘High Intensity Focused Ultrasound’. During this treatment, ultrasound energy is used to stimulate the deep layers, which support the skin. In doing so it creates a lifted, more taut appearance and stimulates the body to produce collagen.
Who is a good candidate for HIFU?
A good candidate is someone who is aged 30+ who has noticed that the skin on their face or neck has become more lax and wishes to lift and tighten the relevant area. For patients in their 30’s it is typically used to stimulate collagen production and hence help delay the ageing process. Patients in their 40’s and 50’s are the most common age group who have this treatment. It is also for those aged 60+.
Patients who have had surgery in the past can also benefit from HIFU to prolong to effects of surgical facelifts.
What can be treated using HIFU?
- Brow lifting
- Jowl lifting
- Mid face lifting
- Nasolabial fold reduction
- Neck lifting and tightening
- Overall skin tightening and rejuvenation
How long until I see results?
Clients may witness some initial effect, but ultimately lifting and firming will take place over approximately 3 months, as collagen is renewed and replaced with new, stronger collagen. As this collagen building process continues, continued improvements can appear for up to 6 months.
How long do HIFU results last?
Most people find results last over 1 year, although yearly touch-up treatments are recommended to stay ahead of the ageing process.
Does it hurt?
Most people do not report pain. There can be slight aching over bony areas or a warm sensation in the skin during treatment.
Is it safe?
Thousands of treatments have been performed worldwide using HIFU technology without significant adverse events. In addition, ultrasound energy has been used safely in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.
Is HIFU classed as surgery?
No. While the ultrasound treatment does target the deep layer of skin often addressed in surgery, it does not involve general anaesthetic or cutting the skin in any way.
Can HIFU replace a face-lift?
Although HIFU is not a replacement for surgery, it is ideal for people who wish to uplift the face and neck but who are not ready for surgery either psychologically, financially or logistically. It is considered more of an ‘uplift’ than a ‘facelift’ and can be combined with other non-surgical lifting treatments to further enhance the results.
How long does the treatment take?
Between 30-90 minutes, depending on area to be treated.
What kind of results do you get with HIFU treatment?
HIFU addresses skin that is mild to moderately loose or lax, specifically by reconditioning and renewing the skin from within and gives a more refreshed look overall. Patients have reported firmer, more toned skin in others areas of the face and neck as well.
Will I need more than one HIFU treatment?
The majority of patients need only one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment depending on how much laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen rebuilding process.
Is there any downtime?
There is normally no downtime or recovery time needed. Most people return to normal activities right away.
Are there any side effects?
There may be slight redness following the treatment. A small amount of patients report swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch. The practitioner prior to treatment will discuss with you all potential side effects.
Can HIFU be combined with other treatments?
Often HIFU is used alongside other treatments to enhance results. For a lifting effect it is often used with dermal fillers to give optimum lift.
At SkinMedico, we offer you a full medical assessment prior to your first treatment. We will advise you on an individualised plan of treatment to suit your needs. This process gives you a great opportunity to ask all the questions that you might have and discuss the treatment plan. HIFU can be carried out alone or in combination with other treatments like Botox®.
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